I've never seen anything like that before. Amazing stuff. Great.
I've never seen anything like that before. Amazing stuff. Great.
Nice style, but a bit boring.
While this was well produced, I felt that there was too much of the same happening. There wasn't enough variation and in the end, it came down to a guy hitting multiple other guys, without any real excitement. Put some variation in it and it'd be great.
Great stuff.
Can't wait to see more.
Now that
was very, very funny.
Brings out emotion.
When a Flash artist is capable of making the audience feel something, it's truly a job well done. You don't need immature humour and violence to make a great movie and you certainly prove this. Excellent stuff. Very, very good.
This was beautiful.
Entrancing. This was so very, very well made and I want to thank you for making it. Absolutely beautiful.
This is great stuff and I look forward to seeing more.
Thankyou for making this. It's most definitely going on my favourites list and you're getting a place on my favourites list as well. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more of the same from you.
Having said that, I'd love to see a tutorial of something perhaps slightly more newbie orientated, since this is still perhaps a little too advanced for some people.
Thanks... Though it will be a while before I make another tutorial it looks like... got to pound out Short Bus after all... if you want to see the characters from Short Bus look at my Short Bus Teaser... I'm still whacking away at the toon... it's a pretty big one.
As far as the newbie oriented stuff... I'm not going to make a tutorial about puting sound in or anything... Sorry... check out flashkit.com for tutorials on things like that... they are much better in HTML format. Well... I guess I better not say never I might change my mind...
I'm really aiming at the person who knows a little about flash but is confused artisticly what to do in a cartoon. I'm not really making these as a "HOW TO USE FLASH" tutorial... I'm making them as "HoW TO ANIMATE CARTOONS IN FLASH" tutorials... I'm planting the seed and showing people how easy it can be to make quality work. I'm also thinking about doing something other than a tutorial to help people out but that is still a long way off. Anyway... I appriciate the thought and as you can tell my tutorials are only getting better... oh... and by the way... frame by frame animation is on the list of tutorials I'm planning in the future. but I have to make a few frame by frame animations first to knock out all the bugs in flash.
While it isn't as good as it is perhaps built up to be, this is still excellent stuff and you're going on my favourite's list.
Liverpool, UK
Joined on 11/20/04